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Last updated: 3/25/23

Create your Link Grid

Creating a Link Grid on DJ3N is an easy way to share your social media and website links with your followers. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a Link Grid:

  1. Log into your DJ3N account: Make sure you are logged into your DJ3N account.
  2. Go to the Link Grid tab on your profile: You can access the Link Grid creation page by clicking on the "+" button on the lower right-hand corner of your profile page.
  3. Add your links: You will be prompted to add links of your choice, such as social media profiles, websites, or code repositories.
  4. Arrange your links: You can drag and drop the links to rearrange their position on the Link Grid.

Once you have completed these steps, your Link Grid will be created and displayed on your profile page for your followers to see. You can continue to add, remove, or rearrange links as desired.

Sharing your Link Grid

DJ3N makes it easy to share your link grid with your audience. Simply use the paper airplane share icon in your bio to use your device’s native share functionality. Alternatively, you may copy the browser URL for easy sharing.

💡 Link Grid is unique as it is part of your DJ3N profile. When sharing it, your audience may choose to click your links or further explore your offerings on DJ3N, such as you posts, collectibles or access passes.

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