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Last updated: 3/25/23

Create Access Passes

Creating and customizing access passes on DJ3N allows users to offer exclusive experiences or access to special content to their followers.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create and customize access passes on DJ3N:

  1. Log into your account: Make sure you are logged into your DJ3N account.
  2. Go to the access pass creation page: You can access the access pass creation page by clicking on the "+" button on the lower right-hand section of your profile page.
  3. Add title: Typically this is the name of the event or exclusive experience.
  4. Add a short description: This will appear as a subtitle. Compliment your Title with a little more info.
  5. Add a description: Describe what the access pass will give your followers access to, such as exclusive content, events, and more.
  6. Upload an optional image: Use your logo or relevant image that compliments the experience. No photo? No problem - we’ll lend you our logo.
  7. List for sale: Set a price and instantly offer your access pass for sale.
  8. Add event details: If the access pass is for an event, add the date, time, and location of the event.
  9. Add unlockable perks: Add a media file that only your access pass holders can see. Perhaps an exclusive video, image or audio file.
  10. Use the color picker: Customize the look and feel with your own color palette.

Once you have completed these steps, your access pass will be created and you can share it with your followers. They can purchase it if it is listed for sale. Access pass holders will be able to access the exclusive content or attend the event.

Sharing Access Passes

DJ3N makes it easy to share specific access passes. Each item has it’s own unique URL. Simply navigate to your desired item, then use the paper airplane share icon in your bio to use your device’s native share functionality. Alternatively, you may copy the browser URL for easy sharing.

💡 This comes in especially handy when looking to invite a large number of people to an event in a unique and engaging way.

Hiding Items

Sometimes you may want to remove an item from visibility from your profile. You may do this by first clicking on the Access Pass and then clicking on the orange link at the bottom of the screen. This will remove the item from public view.

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