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Last updated: 3/25/23

Creating Collectibles (set price)

Creating a collectible on DJ3N is easy and straightforward. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a collectible:

  1. Log into your account: Make sure you are logged into your DJ3N account.
  2. Go to the collectible creation page: You can access the collectible creation page by clicking on "+" button on the lower right hand section of your profile page.
  3. Upload media: You will be prompted to upload a media file that will represent your collectible. It could be a video, audio, image or any other kind of media.
  4. Name the collectible: You will be asked to enter a name for your collectible, which will be displayed on the collectible page.
  5. Give it a description: You will be asked to write a short description of the collectible, which will be displayed on the collectible page.
  6. List it for sale: You will have the option to list the collectible for sale at a price you set.
  7. Attach unlockable perks: You will have the option to attach perks, such as exclusive content, to the collectible.

Once you have completed these steps, your collectible will be created. You can share it with your followers and they may purchase it if they desire.

Making Gifts or Free Collectibles

If you would like to make a collectible that can be claimed by others for free, simply set the price to 0 or leave it blank. This can be handy if you want to quickly build a relationship with a new friend, a customer or a crowd of fans.

Attaching Unlockable Content

Attaching unlockable content to a Collectible on DJ3N allows users to offer exclusive digital experiences or content to their followers.

When creating a Collectible, users have the option to attach unlockable content (perks). This could include things like bonus tracks or demos of music, bonus artwork, digital coupons, promos, e-books, and more. Once a user has purchased a Collectible with unlockable content, they will be able to access the exclusive digital content through their DJ3N account.

By attaching unlockable content, users can enhance the value of their Collectibles, and provide their followers with unique digital experiences that they can't find anywhere else. Additionally, it allows creators to monetize their content and give their followers a way to support them directly.

Please note that unlockable content is currently only available in the form of digital media such as audio, video, images, and files.

Sharing Collectibles and Posts

DJ3N makes it easy to share specific posts and collectibles. Each item has it’s own unique URL. Simply navigate to your desired item, then use the paper airplane share icon in your bio to use your device’s native share functionality. Alternatively, you may copy the browser URL for easy sharing.

💡 This comes in especially handy when giving your audience an easy way to claim or purchase a promotional collectible.

Hiding Items

Sometimes you may want to remove an item from visibility from your profile. You may do this by first clicking on the Collectible or Post and then clicking on the orange link at the bottom of the screen. This will remove the item from public view.

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